Lydix Notki

- coeurl - titanspawn -

"Fight because you don't know how to die quietly."

"Win because you don't know how to lose."

arrogant, stubborn, reckless

About the Coeurl


Full Name: Lydix Notki
Aliases/Nicknames: "Coeurl", "Titanspawn"
Race: Highlander Hyur
Age: Early 40s
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual (femme-leaning), polyamorous
Relationship Status: Single, but seeming disinterested in relationships
Height: 6 fulms and 4 ilms
Weight: 280 ponzes, body builder stature
Hair: Golden blonde
Eyes: Hazel-green
Noticeable Marks: Black tattoos lined across her face and marking her forehead, two lines wrapped below her elbows, and one around her wrists. She also has black coeurl stripes tattooed on her back from neck to hips. Her body is doused in scars.
Accessories: Golden hoop earrings, tomahawks strapped to her thighs, axe always carried on her back, a warrior's soul stone wrapped in wiring can sometimes be caught in a glimpse, as well as a very ornate ring on the same chain of her stone.
Occupation: Bounty hunter


Once a Dalmascan resistance leader against the IVth Legion, Lydix fled the country soon after the Calamity in search of a better life, unbeknownst to the Garlean conflict that remained in Eorzea. With war widespread, she became locked into foreign soil and was forced to make ends meet to survive.It started with enlisting to the Immortal Flames but discharge led her to the ways of being a sell-sword and mercenary; anything for coin. Her work led her into security jobs for various free companies as well as bounty hunting both man and beast, finding that no job was too dangerous for her to take. Excruciatingly long and countless hours have built her into her impressive physique today.If one can get past Lydix's stern demeanor and ever-permanent scowl, she's much more amicable around familiar faces, friends, and can be a bit of a flirt should she not be turned down. But there's always a barrier present in every social situation, as Lydix is often dismissive and avoidant about the topic of past lovers and even her past in general. It's not difficult to find out that she's been part of several shady under-dealings in both past and recent present, ultimately making her motives questionable.Because of her occupation, Lydix can be easily found throughout the city-states of Eorzea and abroad, wandering the roads or enjoying the simple pleasures of a tavern or brothel.

Character Hooks

Pick your poison

☼ Muscle for Hire: Need a job for a heavy lifter? Kill some pesky opo-opos? Got a contract on a man that needs to disappear? Lydix takes on nearly any physical job, especially if it involves hunt marks and bounties. Money always catches her eye.☼ Coeurl Companion: While on the road or in the midst of a bounty, Lydix is often seen with a full-sized coeurl that's seemingly obedient to her demands. He's territorial around Lydix, so expect a warning snarl.☼ Unstable Aether: Anyone with aethersight or aethersense can easily tell that Lydix's aetheric pool is not of a normal person. It's admittedly limited, but when her emotions and adrenaline get the best of her, it shifts and writhes, flickering like a fresh fire.☼Strange Tattoos: The black ink of Lydix's tattoos are ordinary in every sense. There isn't any trace of aetheric ink, but when her aether becomes unstable they light up in shifting orange, red, and yellow hues.☼ Always Armed: The massive axe strapped to Lydix's back is just a distraction to draw the eye away from either tomahawk holstered to her thighs or a pocketed dagger. She's always prepared.☼Child of War: Dalmascan Resistance, the Ghimlyt, Bozja and Zadnor-- Lydix is too familiar with the workings of war. It's easily plausible to come across her on the battlefield, whether it be the same side or enemy.☼ One Night Stand?: Lydix is promiscuous in her own regard. Perhaps a beautiful night ensued and she was gone in the morning. Don't expect her to remember a name. **(Please read my OOC regarding this.)

Out of Character

Hi! my name is Ciid (they/them) and I'm in my late 20's, I've been roleplaying for over 15 years, and I love taking screenshots. Please check out my preferences:- Sorry, 21+ only!- IC =/= OOC. I am not my characters! Please whisper/DM/send me a tell if my character ever makes you uncomfortable and we'll work something out.- Please don't be afraid of communicating with me OOC first. I highly appreciate the communication and ironing things out, or even just headcanoning!- I'm LGBTQIA+ friendly and would rather not interact with anyone who speaks poorly of those groups.- I'm completely cool with lore-bending but I tend to lean towards being lore-friendly.- I don't add people on Discord right away.- No non-consensual or death RP. Dark/mature, gore, and heavily wounded themes are OK.- I don't ERP with randos/strangers and while Lydix is a promiscuous character, it's mostly offscreen with NPCs or fade-to-black scenes. I prefer headcanoning those exchanges instead. Thanks!**Please don't be afraid to ask me about anything! If you're interested in an art commission, check out my commissions carrd.